For all you Shimano Sante nuts out there, here's a couple exploded diagrams (RD-5000 and BR-5000) from my shop manual. Probably the best use for these is if you're like me and immediately forget what went where like 30 secs after you disassemble something.
The other interesting thing about these diagrams is if you compare a Sante part with the other models, you'll find Sante has unique parts not found in other components showing Sante was truly a new group from the ground up (disproving claims that Sante was merely 'painted 600/Ultegra'.)
Im restoring a Santé groupset at the moment and man this is not only helpful, it also always satisfies me and brings me lots of joy when I find information on old parts. Bought a Bridgestone Radac in black with red logos. I almost find no information on that bike in this color, but I keep getting to know more about every component. Also I would love to find out all the original components. There is a catalogue from 1988 on Sheldon Browns page, but it only shows the model with anodized aluminium and classic white. Anyway, cheers to you and your restoration.