Well, since I haven't updated this blog in many moons, here's my third post of the day! Working hard, all for you, valued blog reader.
I'm sure many of you bike collectors out there have wish lists of bikes that you'd like to get your hands on and probably will - as soon as you win the lottery and/or add an extra garage to your house.
With that in mind, I've fulfilled neither of the above requirements and recently acquired a bike from my wish list anyway, succumbing to the addiction once more. Since I'm the superstitious sort and I don't have the bike in my posession yet, I'll say nothing more about it other than it's on my wish list below.
Maui's Wish List (in no particular order)
3Rensho Allez - Heck, I've got 3 Allez's already, why not get the one that started it all?
1987 Specialized Team Allez - My first bike was an '87 Allez SE, which I still have and keep in great condition. Still love it. A Team Allez is that much more to love.
1986 Jim Merz Allez - What can I say? I love Allez's. Plus, the gorgeous blue and yellow color scheme make this one super sexy.
1989 Eddy Merckx Corsa Extra (What? Not another Allez?) - In Team Slurpee colors, of course. Just an absolute must for anyone who loved riding in the 80's.
1987 Centurion Ironman Master - Surprisingly, I don't own any Tange-tubed bikes, but if I were to own just one, this would be it, Biopace and all. And no, I wouldn't mind the original Miami Vice colors either.
1986 Miyata 912 - I lusted for this bike back in the day, but it was really out of my price range. Man, I dig that pink head tube.
1989 Nishiki International - This bike came with the little-known Suntour Ole gruppo. I'd love to find one in good condition to satisfy my white-painted parts fetish.
1989 Schwinn Tempo - I do have a partial Ole gruppo that I think would look sweet on the Blue/White Tempo. Plus, I really want to give the ol' Columbus Tenax a try and see what it's all about.
Specialized fork decals - I cannot for the life of me find these @#$! things anywhere!
Added 1/28/2010
1990? Nishiki Alien - Oh boy, the first time I saw this thing I just had to have it. For those of you who never saw/forgot, the Alien was a Richard Cunningham design with elevated chainstays. Supposedly it all but eliminated the problem of chainsuck - what's not to like? Well, the design added a lot of extra metal to the frame and these were real boat anchors.
I've got some pics that I can scan and upload if there's interest.
2025 Diablo Day 08 - Saturday Morning Junction
Oh yeah - first ride of the year without a jacket - I had tights and arm
warmers and a thermal T under my jersey... it was wonderful. Also - last
day of Da...
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