What we have here are some photos of a late 90's Trek 520 I got off Craigslist. My wife and I were preparing for an overnight bike camping trip a few years ago and I needed a couple solid touring bikes. I guess we could've taken the mountain bikes, but why deprive myself of getting to build not one, but TWO bikes?
Here's how she looked when I brought her home. Looking back, I overpaid for the bike, but I got it off some college kid and he probably appreciated the extra beer money.

I tore down the frame to reveal the horror show you see here.

All I can really say is, "Thank goodness for sealed bottom brackets!"

All's well that ends well. That old 520 turned into a pretty solid ride.

By the way, I hate when I see pics of bikes with the drive side facing away from the camera. And here I am, guilty as charged.
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