Wow, right on the heels of that last cherry '88 Circuit auction is another one that's almost but not quite as good.
Here's the Flickr photstream the user setup.
(Careful, Maui, you're turning this into a Schwinn Circuit/Shimano Sante shrine again...)
Judging from the pics, aside from some paint specks of unknown origin (overspray from another project?), it's in marvelous condition. As far as I can tell, the seat and the rear skewer are not original. Too bad - those Concor Profils fetch a pretty penny too.
I don't think this one will go for as much as the previous Circuit since it's not quite as good cosmetically and is bound to have had more miles put on it. I'd be tempted to bid on it for this reason alone... if not for the WAF!
Update: Final selling price? $292, including $70 shipping. Someone scored a steal! (Provided the paint flecks aren't a pain to remove.) But even so, I think that's a darn good price. Ya just never know with ripmeBay.
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